Surface quality and a high degree of precision play a decisive role in tool and mould making. The combination of state-of-the-art machinery and years of construction and production experience enables us to handle complex tasks and to satisfy the requirements of individual clients.
Complicated contours, gearwheel profiles, maximal taper, and various cutting heights are not a problem for us during wire eroding. We carry out even the simplest steps with the utmost precision.
All conductive materials, regardless of hardness and all conceivable shapes can be vertically or wire eroded. Even extremely delicate parts can be manufactured due to the low machining forces. We produce the electrodes in line with your specifications and drawings using HSC technology and ensure the highest degree of precision and surface quality even with more demanding shapes. Fast program creation takes place based on 3D or 2D data with the “PEPS 8.1” CAM system or with the B&W electrode module during vertical eroding.
We drill “start holes” from 0.3 to 3 mm up to a height of 710 mm with a CNC-controlled machine. This process is eminently suitable for hardened steel as well as all electrically conducting metals.
Our vertical and wire eroding machines function in a fully air-conditioned environment to ensure maximum accuracy.